Sunday, May 23, 2010

Perfume, its definatly unique

This is a small Dvd review of the movie Perfume, and I can honestly say it definatly stands out. I thought this movie was quite creative, and has an extensive and intersting back story. But thats where it kills itself, the begining was long and took a little while to get in to. And also this movie wasnt quite what I thought it was. For some reason I had it in my head that it was a present day movie but no it was not. Perfume was set in or around the seventeenth century era, I assume, dont quote me on it though I'm no history buff...So any guess is as good as mine. Any who -.- the main plot in this movie is a boy born with an acute sense of smell and can basically identify the scents of anything he comes across. He gets a job as a perfumists apprentice and makes new and astounding perfumes. So the boy is taught how to preserve scents by the perfumist and other tutors in his travels. His ultimate goal is to preserve the essense of females that he comes across. He kills the chicks and finds a way to preserve there scents, kinda weird and stalkerish I know 0.@ but creative plot none the less. Minus the slowness of this movie I did enjoy its orignialty, the creativity that goes into some of these unknown movies is refreshing and gives me a nice break from the insane mediocrity that some of these films are...SHREK!!! Not to mention any names. 3 out of 4

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shrek forever after, more of the same

So this review is on Shrek forever after, and this movie is more of the same. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was Shrek. Same plot line as the others, far far away is in trouble, Shrek has to save the land while in the mean time learning a lesson about the bonds of friendship and family. Again nothing fucking new! And don't get me wrong the humor was there, I laughed when I should have, touched when I should have been. But the general plot is the same, you people are paid millions to just come up with ideas for movies. Why can't you come up with anything original? My fiance paid for the movie but each ticket was fourteen dollars, fourteen dollars! You people have to be fucking out of your god damn minds to think that any of this shit you keep putting out is worth the price that we have to pay to see it. You are wasting our time and your own, STOP PRODUCING THIS CRAP!!! It infuriates me, I'm trying to be a writer and to see unoriginal bullshit like this make it to the big screen is insane to me! ...I feel better so here's the plot line, Shrek has a perfect life and hates it. He sells it to rumplestilskin (I think that's how you spell his name 0.o) and far far away becomes the little homosexual midget elf's kingdom. Shrek wakes up in an alternate land and no one recognizes him, which didn't last very long at all... Shrek fights for land and gets it back through "True Loves Kiss" what else right? Then everything is back to normal La De Fucking Da. Sorry people this movie is very very very mediocre. And quite frankly I don't care, I don't fucking care anymore about Shrek, quit making movies about it, you say you are done but deep down I don't think you are. Stick with Christmas specials that's what your good at. Come on people I'm still waiting! ENTERTAIN ME!!! 2 out of 4

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The lovely bones...Really? Really? Oh my god!

So here is the review for The Lovely bones, I did this review as a request for reasons I don't care to know or to try and explain. This movie in short is SHIT!!!!! On top of the silly ass plot line it also pissed me off to high heaven. If someone killed my daughter and I managed to get a hold of him/her I wouldn't just give up. My friends and family would never see me again because I would be in jail for the shit I would do to that person. And that is what the father basically does, and it just pissed me off so much I wanted to turn off the movie. But alas I continued...So the main plot goes, girl has perfect life, girl is murdered, family is distraught, girl gets lost in limbo. life goes on with out her, killer gets itch and goes after younger sister of said girl. Younger sister is the only one who has balls enough to do anything, she breaks in the killers house and steals evidence to prove the murder. Killer gets away, life goes on, girl moves on...the killer falls off a cliff trying to get another girl and dies. He Fucking falls off a cliff! What the fuck! How does it even end this way, what kind of villain dies do to bad karma? All in all its sad in general, pissed me off, too long, and just completely terrible. Don't watch this movie its garbage. 1/2 out of 4

P.S. Shawn you suck dude. Way to put me through something as terrible as this. I want my two hour back!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Robin Hood, bring a book

Oh god here we go, so here's Robin Hood, or Robin Longstride, or Robert Loxely...O.o ah for shits sake pick one. So the beginning of this movie was long, and when i mean long i mean loooooooooooonnnnnnngggggg. But the longyness of this movie was quite necessary and tied the story together quite nicely. But I fear this movie may have suffered from "King Kong" syndrome, where it may have been too long for its own good. They could have cut a good half an hour out of the movie and it would still have been just as good. But that set aside the characters were convincing and the acting was superb. The king made me want to kick him in the eye because he was such an annoying little cock. It was also very refreshing to see the damsel not in distress, no basic D.I.D's here. Marian would kick you in the balls if she thought you were looking at her funny. As I'm sure everyone knows that this story takes place before Robins cleptomania sets in...or was it Robert o.O anyway this dude with identity issues is a soldier on the last legs the kings crusade. Then is forced into a family from whom has ties with that are relevant but a little too coincidental not to be silly.

Well I dont wanna ruin anymore of the story...So lets just skip to the end. The last fight kinda reminded me of Saving Private Ryan, during the beginning with the D-day battle. the boats were quite similar if not the exact same boats you cheap bastards, you will see them, boats with the hatches and everyone runs out and gets gunned down. But none the less the acting was still good, and Russel Crowe wasnt an asshole this time around...Huh, who would have thought? You heard me go make some movies and make some music then fight around the world. HA! The movie was good. DID YOU HEAR ME MATT? IT WAS GOOD!!! 3 out of 4 stars."Rise and Rise again, until Lambs become Lions."

P.S. this Matt character kicked me as hard as he could because I said the beginning was long and drawn out. I'm not kidding people bring a damn book then stop reading after an hour in.