Friday, May 3, 2013

Iron Man 3 - I am Iron Man

Among the Avengers, Tony Stark was definitely my favorite. Most identifiable I suppose. Love the quick wit, brilliance, hidden selflessness, and the ego. I could go on about the ego, but those of you who know me, know I have an enormous ego as well. Eh, I'm okay with it. Iron Man has become one of my favorite Marvel characters since the first movie came out. I was always an X-Men guy; never paid too much attention to the Avengers. Still don't. But I have taken more of an interest in Iron Man. Casting Robert Downey Jr. brought Tony Stark to life, he seems like a real, living, breathing, person. I don't want to sound like one of the many fanboy/girls, but Downey Jr.'s sheer presence elevated each scene. He, in my eyes has become one of my favorite actors, he does an incredible job. But enough of me kissing this guys ass, lets get down to the movie. Iron Man 3 starred a man that needs no introduction, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pierce, Ben Kingsley and Paul Bettany as Jarvis. The director was Shane Black, who really isn't known for being a director with the exception of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and is currently working on Deathnote, should be interesting. He did write the Lethal Weapon series, The Last Boy Scout and a slew of other action movies. So he knows a thing or two about action films. Given the experience of the cast, you could see very little of the inexperience of the director. The plot, felt more of the same, with a twist or two. Tony Stark is suffering from anxiety issues from the Avengers. Now, I love the fact that they are carrying the effects of his new found team and problems over to his solo films. It's just like any true soldier who has seen battle, they will have anxiety, nightmares and all that good stuff that follows. Iron Man's first war has taken it's toll on Tony Stark. But as seen on the previews, not to spoil anything for anyone, he is attacked at home where he is most vulnerable. The aftermath left him stranded in the cold in the middle of nowhere. Both this film and the first film feel the same. He's left alone to test his mettle and find some kind of self discovery through his tinkering with his suits. It was entertaining the first time, but giving the character the same problem and solution leaves me a little less fulfilled. It could just be me, but I was craving a little something more creative. The threat and danger level didn't seem too concerning to me until the end, but now-a-days it never does. The CG consumed a good ninety percent of this film, which is fine. Some scenes could have used a bit more fine-tuning, but that's just me nitpicking, and who am I to do that? I don't need to say anything on the acting, everyone did a good job. It's probably what saved this movie from being another piece of mediocrity. This movie was fun, entertaining, action packed, with a little romance. I could overlook the repetitiveness in the deeper character plot/growth, because it simply kept me entertained and laughing. The Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr. combination is incredible. Aside from Jack Sparrow and Johnny Depp, you won't find a better pair. I'm excited to hear that Robert Downey Jr. said that he would play Iron Man as long as he was physically able. Looking at the whole picture, I give Iron Man 3 a 3 1/2 out of 4. My summer of movie blockbusters crept up on me without me knowing it. I got at least one movie each week from here until September. Next week is The Great Gatsby! Pretty excited for it. Now the only thing that can't seem to escape my mind. Where is my sandwich?

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