Friday, May 17, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness - I only know what I can do

Star Trek, space, the final frontier, and all that other crap. Who am I kidding? I'm a Star Wars guy, so I was a bit out of my element when I saw this movie. The crappy thing about it was I missed the opening night showing! Curse my theater and their shifty ways! Star Trek starred Chris Pine, Zachery Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, John Cho and Benedict Cumberbacht. I'm sure I forgot a few. The director was J.J. Abrams. You know what he did. So I'm going to tell you what he is doing in the next few years. We got Star Wars VII, Cloverfield two, Portal, Half-Life, Mission Impossible 5 and Star Trek 3. Sir, you gave me a nerdgasm! These movies were announced, the release dates very. Waiting is the worst part. Any who, on to the review. I loved the first Star Trek movie. It was an interesting retelling of the original story. I was happy to see all of the actors come back to do their roles again. It's rare now-a-days to see an actor not come back; but it's still disappointing when it does happen. The plot is pretty simple and linear so it's difficult to mess up. There is a rogue Star fleet officer, and he must be brought to justice. To me, this movie should have felt a lot more personal. It certainly had the potential to be. I just didn't feel anything. There were plenty of scenes that had tons of emotion involved. I don't think the directors heart was in it. I hear J.J. is a Star Wars guy. My thoughts on that are that if you simply don't care about the project, you shouldn't be involved in the first place. He did a wonderful job with the CG. The acting was done well. But I felt absolutely zero emotion. Along with that the story itself was pretty serious, and I felt it should have been longer. The threat and danger levels weren't as severe as they should have been. With a villain of this magnitude, I expected more. A lot was at stake with this film. I don't feel there was enough. Maybe I'm just greedy. Aside from my personal issues with it, every part of me says I should dislike this movie. But I don't. I still enjoyed myself. It kept my attention. Plus, I thought it was hilarious to see how uncomfortable Zachery Quinto was to kiss a woman. I really liked this movie. Was it enough to turn me into a Trekkie? No, only the Borg can assimilate me. I would recommend this film to anyone who would ask about it. I give Star Trek Into Darkness a 3 out of 4. The hatred we carry will only generate more hatred. May the force be with you.

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