Friday, May 31, 2013

Now You See Me - Faith can move mountains

Magic...yeah I believe in it. Why not? What is so wrong about believing in the fantastical? Letting your mind slip into a realm of making the impossible, possible. Have you ever felt something that you couldn't explain, that you couldn't see, but you knew was there? It's magic, and it exists in a multitude of forms. Some perceive it as miracles, faith, love, or even something as simple as coincidence. I believe in magic. Now You See Me, is a film about a bunch of street performing magicians who make it big overnight and rob banks. That's it in a nutshell; I could go deeper, but that would give away the plot. This film starred: Jesse Eisenberg,  Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco and Morgan Freeman. The director was Louis Leterrier. He also directed The Incredible Hulk, Clash of the Titans and The Transporter movies. This explains some of the issues I had with this film. This movie was predictable. The magic tricks could be seen from miles away as well as the plot twists. The magic in this film felt like it was done by an amateur. The casting was correct, I loved the actors, with the exception of Mark Ruffalo. I just wasn't a fan of the work he did...stick with the Hulk. I loved the concept of this film, the idea was original, it was great. I wanted to know more about the end result of this film. Yes, the journey was fun, but the destination was more interesting to me. A sequel isn't in order, but I would have liked it if they dabbed just a bit more into what they were working for. That's just me though. A splash more comedy, and a little less of Ruffalo being a cry-ass and this film would have been something special. Oh, and a better director. There was such potential here, and I deeply looked forward to this film. I'd still recommend this film, maybe for a rent. I'll end up buying it just because I'm a movie whore. I give Now You See Me a 2 1/2 out of 4. Remember, the closer you get, the less you'll actually see.

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