Sunday, April 21, 2013

Oblivion - Are you an effective team?

Never in the years I have been watching movies have I ever thought, "Man, I sure do want to see a Tom Cruise film." I take that back, Rock of Ages was one of those movies. But none-the-less. I saw the trailer for this film and immediately thought that this was Scientology film. No joke. But as time went on and I learned a bit more; my opinion quickly changed. Oblivion starred Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko and Andrea Riseborough. The director was Joseph Kosinkski, who's only other film was Tron Legacy, and is currently working on another sequel to Tron. Not a fan of the idea of another Tron. The general basses of this film is that Tom Cruise's character, Jack, is in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic Earth. Where there was a terrible war between man and aliens. In the end man had to leave Earth to survive. Jack and another woman are the mop up crew that maintains drones and other important machinery. But Jack is haunted by these flashes of memory about a mysterious woman. Blah, blah, blah. There was too much story for this film. The ideas and movie itself was intriguing, and interesting enough to keep my attention. Some parts felt as if they ran a bit long. But at the same time this film also felt like I was watching a play almost; with the exception of having an extraordinary special effects budget. It seemed I was looking at a jigsaw puzzle, but pieces were missing, or had no right being there in the first place. Oblivion seemed like an incomplete thought. I couldn't very well ask for more, the film felt like it ran long any how. Though there is enough story here for two separate films. I honestly want to hate this film, I do. But I don't for the reasons that it did keep me entertained. There is one thing I will elaborate on that I usually don't, and that is the ending. I won't spoil it for you. But it was such a cop-out, I couldn't believe it. You have to take certain, careful steps to ensure that your hero does not fall. Really? Did it ever occur to you that the hero's journey isn't always a happy one? And the woman! Don't get me started! What happened at the end is just a typical woman thing to do. It's not your fault, it's written in your genes. With that being said, I don't care to write about this film anymore. It was an entertaining incomplete thought, that jumped around and had some stuff in it that the main plot could have done without. I give Oblivion a 1 1/2 out of 4. It could have been better. But at the same time, it could have been a lot worse. OH! One last thing! The swimming pool in it! Best swimming pool EVER!

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