Sunday, February 16, 2014

Winter's Tale - We are all connected by the light

Have you ever loved someone so completely that they couldn't die? Well, yes, I suppose. But immortality is a bit overrated and cliche. I think Bilbo Baggins said it best, "I'm spread thin. It's like too little jam spread over too much toast." Or something of that nature. It wears you down. Winter's Tale kind of felt like that to me. This film starred Collin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay, Russell Crowe and Will Smith. Go ahead, allow that to soak in a bit. Will Smith...yeah that shocked me to. The director was Akiva Goldsman. He worked on I am Legend, A Beautiful Mind and I, Robot. Okay, he's a Will Smith fan. It's okay, so am I...except for After Earth. This movie was both what I did and did not expect. Over the last couple of Collin Farrell's films I have slowly started to become a fan. I loved Seven Psychopaths, I also liked him in Horrible Bosses as well. I also think he did quite well with this movie. As cheesy and stupid the lines were, he made the best of a situation. I would kill for his accent though. I'm told I can mimic it; but always wanted an Irish accent. The acting was fine in all departments accept for William Hurt, but lets face it, that guy sucks. Ever since he did The Village, he hasn't recovered in my eyes. Russell Crowe reminded me of a little demonic Irish Smeagol/Gollum, it was pretty funny. The love didn't really sell me. The story boasts that their love was the kind of love that gives the world hope. This love was supposed to be so fierce and reckless that it would cause Hell to intervene. I've seen better. What bothered me was the plot, or a lack there of. Or not even that, the lack of purpose. I don't want to give anything away, but I saw no real reason. Put this man through a lifetime of torment for a reason that really had nothing to do with anything. But as I sit here and think about it, does anyone really need a reason to save a life? You shouldn't need a reason I suppose, other than it's the right thing to do. But this is a fantasy film, and I need a reason dammit! You will understand if you see it. The movie felt long and dragged out, and I wasn't really entertained. Can someone answer me why the hell the guys guardian angel was a Pegasus? Whatever. Yeah, long, dragged out and the intensity of love wasn't there for me. I shouldn't be so harsh on that though; pretending to love someone and making everyone believe that you do is no easy task. I give Winter's Tale a 1 1/2 out of 4. Hmmm...Castor, I like that name. The signs will point you in the right direction. You could tell I went to this on Valentines day. If I had my choice I would have gone to see the Lego movie.

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