Sunday, January 12, 2014

Her - The past is just a story we tell our selves

So out of the movies that came out over the last few weeks, the only one I could convince my girlfriend to see was Her. Yeah, I wanted to see The Marked Ones. It looks terrible, but I'm curious how it ends. I've seen the rest, I'm already balls deep, just finish it already. So...Her... The previews were pretty self explanatory, but I see all of these accolades, it was hard not to be curious. Her starred Juaquin Phoenix, Scarlet Johansson, Amy Adams and Rooney Mara. Along with some cameos that were quite surprising, yet delightful. The director was Spike Jonze...who the hell are you? Those of you who have seen it and know me might expect me to say something like, "oh, this reminds me of my past! Damn, I can relate heavily." Yeah, I can, but honestly, who gives a shit? I don't, not anymore. The story is about a lonely writer who has been separated from his wife and has trouble connecting with himself and others around him. He comes across a program called OS (Operating System) which is typically an AI (Artificial Intelligence) that has the ability to learn and grow beyond its programming, and caters to his specified needs. So the average nerd is naturally gonna fall in love with Scarlet Johansson's voice, hell, I would too. What I didn't see coming  was that I actually really enjoyed the chemistry between Phoenix and Johansson...if there was any to be had per-say. I found myself smiling at their interactions. Though some of it might have been a bit strange, and I laughed pretty hard during some scenes, it still wasn't bad. The acting was terrific. But at the same time I can't imagine it would be too difficult to look and act like Leonard from The Big Bang Theory either. I really liked the performances from all of the actors, very well done. After the movie and up to today, even now, I have been thinking about this movie. This movie has a lot of layers. The outer shell has a very simple design, but on the inside, if you care to look and delve deep enough, you will find quite a bit of complexity. I like movies that make you think. It's a nice break from the same old crap that caters to the simple minded. speaking of which, a group of redneck morons were in front of us. Constantly complaining, and ended up leaving after the first twenty minutes of the movie. I'm sorry your peanut brain couldn't comprehend that there weren't any explosions, tits or simple plots. Take your fucking NASCAR hat and wipe your ass with it you monkey. Sorry, they really annoyed me for the first bit of the movie, and I wanted so bad to say something, but I didn't. Aside all of that nonsense, the more I think about this movie, the more I grow to like it. It was very sad, but had some funny moments, intentional or not. I can't recommend this movie to everyone. I know a lot of people won't like it. It's not your typical romance film. This film took a chance to try something newish. This movie makes me happy, which is kind of a big deal for me. It made smile and feel, and I think that's something movies should strive for. I loved it. I give Her a 4 out of 4. Even the title could be something that could be thought about. Naturally it means the OS, but what about the one that caused this chain of events? You never know.

I'm at a payphone, trying to call home, all of my change I spent on you. Where have the times gone baby? It's all wrong. Where are the plans that we made for two? I know it's hard to remember the people we used to be. It's even harder to picture that you're not here next to me. You say it's too late to make it. But is it too late to try? In that time that you wasted, all of our bridges burned down. I wasted my nights, you turned out the lights, now I'm paralyzed, still stuck in that time, when we called it love, but even the sun sets in paradise. If happy ever afters did exist. I would still be holding you like this. All those fairy tales are full of shit. One more fucking love song and I'll be sick. Go ahead and take that little piece of shit with you.

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