Friday, March 8, 2013

Oz the Great and Powerful - I want to be a great man

This is my 100th review! I didn't actually intend on waiting until Oz the Great and Powerful came out. It just sort of happened that way. I haven't been lazy in my review writing; I've actually missed it. Circumstances have just gotten in the way, whether it be financial issues or my health getting in the way. But I'm back. My one hundredth review was actually going to be Beautiful Creatures, but we ended up walking out of it due to health reasons, and I never went back to see it. But it sort of worked out, I wanted to save my milestone for something special, something good, something great. I should have waited a little longer... The Wizard of Oz is one of the most iconic films to exist. Everyone knows it. If you haven't heard of it or seen it, then I don't know where you have been, because people who live under rocks have seen this movie. As a prequel to The Wizard of Oz, it has some pretty big shoes to fill. Oz the Great and Powerful starred James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Williams. The director was Sam Raimi who also did the Spiderman Trilogy and the Evil Dead trilogy. Oz the Great and Powerful was visually a pretty movie, at times. Some times it seemed a bit too cartoony for me. But maybe that was the intention, either way I didn't care for it. The characters, the movie sped itself along so fast that I felt I didn't get the time to know the characters. I didn't get the time to see them develop and give myself a chance to actually care about them. I wanted to, I really did, I felt I could relate to Oz and I wanted to connect, but I didn't get to. Mila Kunis seemed very sweet, I loved the innocent role she played. But as the film progressed it felt a lot like she was just over acting. Though the black leather pants looked nice on her. Rachel Weisz...I didn't even really care. She was there and showed me nothing more. There were three things that saved the characters in this film. The Little China Girl, The monkey, played by Zach Braff, and Michelle Williams. The China Girl and the Monkey held the cast together with their more comedic and heartfelt moments. Michelle Williams, I really enjoyed the innocence her character brought. Out of all the characters, I enjoyed hers the most, I got the most development out of her, the most feeling. Trying not to make that sound strange. The story was pretty self explanatory, and needs no real introduction. The story was good, but in my personal opinion they could have split this story into two movies, and allowed the characters and plot to develop properly. Just my opinion though. I give Oz the Great and Powerful a 2 out of 4. It's a very average movie. I never do this, but I saw a bit of myself in Oz, and it made me want to strive for something more. He wasn't a grand wizard of magnificent power, he wasn't a granter of wishes and dreams. He was a good man. What we have in common though is that I don't want to be a good man, I want to be a great man. But sometimes good is better.

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